10-Minute Standing Glute Workout With Jayen Wells | POPSUGAR FITNESS

10 Minute Standing Glute Workout with Jayen Wells | POPSUGAR FITNESS  POP SUGAR Gym Burn Fat and Boost Your Metabolism With This 20-Minute Knee Workout  fit and well See full coverage on Google News .

30-Minute Follow-Along, All-Levels Dance Cardio With Sheela Awe | POPSUGAR FITNESS

Dance Cardio of All Levels 30-Minute Tracking with Sheela Awe | POPSUGAR FITNESS  POP SUGAR Gym Sheela Awe turns ’90s dance moves into a sizzling workout | POPSUGARFitness  POP SUGAR Gym See full coverage on Google News .

10-Minute Barre Butt Workout With Alexis Turner | POPSUGAR FITNESS

10 minute barbell glute workout with Alexis Turner | POPSUGAR FITNESS  POP SUGAR Gym Move It Monday: Full Body Workout with Pure Barre  KOIN 6 See full coverage on Google News .