H3N2 in India: Breaking Down Myths And Facts About Influenza A Virus

Home Health H3N2 in India: Is the Influenza A Virus Deadly? Breaking myths and facts about infections! Read on as we discuss some of the few myths and unknown facts about the H3N2 virus. H3N2 in India: Is the Influenza A Virus Deadly? Breaking myths and facts about infections! H3N2 viruses: The sudden increase in … Read more

H3N2 became dangerous in the country… Know whether pollution is responsible for making the virus ‘deadly’?

H3N2 Virus Symptoms: Two people died in Karnataka and Haryana after being hit by Influenza A, H3N2 virus. Its spread is happening very fast in the country. Due to its rapid spread from air to air, it has become a matter of concern for scientists and doctors. Doctors say that usually the viral is not … Read more

Different symptoms in children, elderly and pregnant women… Identify them immediately and get them treated.

H3N2 Virus Symptoms: These days the virus is wreaking havoc in the country. There have been reports of people losing their lives after getting infected with the virus. Influenza virus like H3N2 knocks every year in the changing season. But this time the variant is being said to be more dangerous. The symptoms of this … Read more