To look cool and stylish, wear a rubber band in your hand, you can die!

To look cool and stylish, wear a rubber band in your hand, you can die!

Health Care Tips In Hindi: It is the result of some laziness and some smartness that in addition to bangles, bracelets or watches, hair-tying rubber is also seen in the wrists of women with long hair. Women usually put this rubber in their wrist so that they can apply it immediately in the hair when … Read more

Neem Benefits: How can you take advantage of neem leaves to cure diseases

Neem Benefits: How can you take advantage of neem leaves to cure diseases

Neem Benefits: Neem has been known to cure many minor and major diseases for a long time. Almost every household in India will be aware of the medicinal properties of Neem. Neem is also used in beauty products. At the same time, it is also used in hair products. Some people even clean their teeth … Read more

Follow These 5 Tips For Smooth And Nourished Hair

Follow These 5 Tips For Smooth And Nourished Hair

Pollution, unhealthy lifestyles and stress levels are affecting people’s hair. But in spite of all these challenges, how can you take care of your mother? Ongoing World Health DayCelebrity Hair Designer Darshan Yevlekar Wants to remind everyone that the ideal of healthy, cheerful, shiny hair can become a reality with a little care and proper … Read more