डिलीवर के बाद तेजी से झड़ रहे हैं बाल तो अपनाएं यह ये तरीके, हो जाएगा कंट्रोल

डिलीवर के बाद तेजी से झड़ रहे हैं बाल तो अपनाएं यह ये तरीके, हो जाएगा कंट्रोल Source link

डिलीवरी के बाद क्यों होता है हेयर लॉस? जानें इसे कैसे कंट्रोल करें

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If you want very smooth silky hair, then follow this indigenous recipe of Priyanka Chopra, you will fall in love with your hair

Priyanka Chopra has made her name not only in India but also abroad with her acting. She has worked in many films in which we have got to see her different hairstyles. Source link

Hair loss problem not leaving you? Use these 5 herbs, you will see the effect

Hair Loss Home Remedy: Strong and thick hair is desired by everyone. Both men and women use different types of hair products for healthy hair. However, the problems related to hair often keep troubling. These days a large number of people are facing the problem of hair fall, breakage and loss. There can be many … Read more

Want thick and strong hair? So don’t do these 8 mistakes even by mistake, otherwise the problem will go on increasing.

Hair Mistakes: Thick and strong hair is desired by everyone. What do we not do to keep hair healthy. Use one to one branded product. Home remedies are also adopted, but still the problems related to hair do not leave behind or even if left, they come back. Do you know that knowingly or unknowingly … Read more

Hair falling…not growing? So start drinking these 5 healthy juices, you will see many benefits

Healthy Juices For Hair: Who does not like beautiful and strong hair. Everyone aspires for it. However, due to poor lifestyle and poor diet, many times we are forced to face the problem of hair. However, with a little care, you can get healthy and strong hair back. You must know that hair also falls … Read more

Combing should never be done in wet hair, there are these disadvantages, know the right way to comb

Many people think that taking care of hair is the most difficult task in the world, because in spite of good shampoos and nutrition, it starts falling many times. For hair care, just eating nutritious food and using good shampoo is not enough. You also need to change the way you comb. Many people start … Read more

Plastic or wooden…Which comb is better to use and why?

Everyone wishes that their hair is thick and shiny. What people do not do to get beautiful, long and thick hair. Different types of products are used. Adopt new home remedies. But still there is a problem of hair that does not take the name of going away. But do you know that the problem … Read more