If you have liver disease, be sure to be vaccinated against hepatitis B.

Liver disease is a very dangerous disease, all diseases related to it are silent. By the time symptoms of this disease appear, approximately 50 percent or more liver damage has already occurred. If this disease is not treated in time, there is a risk of cirrhosis (scarring) of the liver, particularly due to viral hepatitis … Read more

India in Top 10 for Two-Thirds of Hepatitis B & C Cases

According to the 2024 Global Hepatitis Report by the World Health Organization (WHO), India ranks among the top 10 countries globally, representing nearly two-thirds of the burden of hepatitis B and C combined. (1✔ ✔Trusted SourceGlobal hepatitis report 2024: action for access in low Go to source ) The 10 countries are China, India, Indonesia, … Read more

Liver can be affected if you are suffering from Hepatitis B, get relief with these home remedies

Hepatitis B Remedies: Hepatitis B infects the liver. People can feel better in some time due to this disease. However, if a person has hepatitis B for a long time, then it can take a serious form. It is important to vaccinate hepatitis B on time, especially for children. Hepatitis in children can be serious. … Read more

Syringe related carelessness can be heavy, life can be lost

Reuse of Syringe: Recently, in Sagar district of Madhya Pradesh, the incident of giving vaccine to 30 children with a single syringe came to light. (Syringe) is not reused. In such a situation, the case of a health official applying the vaccine to so many children with a single syringe is shocking and disturbing. These … Read more