भूलकर भी न इग्नोर करें शरीर के 6 संकेत, ये है ब्लड शुगर बढ़ने का इशारा

Blood Sugar Signs: डायबिटीज (Diabetes) एक लाइलाज बीमारी है. इसे कंट्रोल रखकर ही बेहतर लाइव जिया जा सकता है. ब्लड शुगर का लेवल हाई होने से शुगर के मरीजों को बार-बार प्यास लगना, पेशाब आना, थकान, धुंधला दिखाई देना और बिना किसी कारण वजन कम होने जैसी समस्याएं हो सकती हैं. ब्लड शुगर का हाई होना … Read more

Onions Reduce Blood Sugar Levels, Study Reveals, What We Know

Diet plays an important role in controlling blood sugar levels. People who are diagnosed with diabetes should make sure that their diet, weight and lifestyle are in check. Experts believe that a healthy diet rich in maximum nutrients, protein, low fat, calories can help avoid health problems associated with diabetes.Also Read – Diabetic Foot Symptoms: … Read more

Diabetic Foot Symptoms: 7 Hidden Signs of High Blood Sugar Level That You Might See on Your Feet

415 million people in the world are suffering from diabetes. This includes men, women and children of all races. One of the most important aspects of foot care in diabetes is something that most people ignore or don’t know about. Abnormally high blood sugar levelsAlso Read – Diabetes Symptoms: How Your Skin Can Warn You … Read more