If there is continued swelling in the hands and fingers, this is a sign of this disease, do these things immediately.

If there is continued swelling in the hands and fingers, this is a sign of this disease, do these things immediately.

Some people often experience swelling and itching in their hands and feet. Today we will talk in detail about the reason behind this and the diseases related to it. Such problems can happen to people of any age. But with age, this disease becomes more and more problematic. A serious illness that occurs when sodium … Read more

Bloating tips: Ginger tea to probiotics, 5 home remedies to get instant relief

Bloating tips: Ginger tea to probiotics, 5 home remedies to get instant relief

Home Health Tips for Bloating: Ginger Tea with Probiotics, 5 Home Remedies to Get Instant Relief Bloating is a common problem, especially during the holiday season when there is so much food. Below are some home remedies that can help you get instant relief from swelling. Bloating is a common gastrointestinal problem experienced by many … Read more

क्या ठंड में आ जाती है हाथ-पैर की उंगलियों में सूजन, जानें क्या करें, क्या नहीं

क्या ठंड में आ जाती है हाथ-पैर की उंगलियों में सूजन, जानें क्या करें, क्या नहीं

Fingers Swelling: उत्तर भारत में शीतलहर का प्रकोप है. ठंड से हाथ-पैर ठिठुर गए हैं. कड़ाके की ठंड से बहुत से लोगों के हाथ, पैरों की अंगुलियों में सूजन आ जाती है. उंगलियां लाल और नीली पड़ने लगती हैं, उनमें खुजली (Fingers Swelling) की समस्या भी हो रही है. ऐसे में अस्पताल के स्किन डिपार्टमेंट में … Read more