होम्योपैथी की दवा लेने का यह है सही तरीका वरना नहीं दिखेगा असर

Homeopathic Medicine: होम्योपैथी की दवा लेने का यह है सही तरीका वरना नहीं दिखेगा असर Source link

Does homeopathy medicine really contain alcohol? If you take medicine in fever, it works…does it?

In today’s modern culture and lifestyle, if you choose ‘homeopathic’ for treatment, someone will say with a firecracker that this man is definitely stingy. He is saving money, not his health. But even today there are many people in India who have full faith in homeopathic medicine. And they believe that this medicine can also … Read more

Do homeopathic medicines show late effect? How useful are these medicines in serious diseases

Homeopathic Medicines: Homeopathic medicine is also second to none in the treatment of different diseases. Even today people have full faith in this method of medicine. However, they are often worried about one thing that homeopathy medicines start working very late, that is, these medicines take a long time to cure a disease. But is … Read more