डाइटिंग के चक्कर में कहीं उड़ तो नहीं रहे आपके भी बाल, जानें कैसे कम करें वजन बिना हेयर फॉल

डाइटिंग के चक्कर में कहीं उड़ तो नहीं रहे आपके भी बाल, जानें कैसे कम करें वजन बिना हेयर फॉल

Weight Loss And Hair Fall: आजकल मोटापा और बढ़ा वजन बड़ी चुनौती है. हर कोई वजन कम करने के लिए डाइटिंग और एक्सरसाइज कर रहे हैं. क्या आप जानते हैं कि वजन कम करने के चक्कर में कई बार बाल झड़ने (Weight Loss And Hair Fal) लगते हैं. दरअसल, वेट लॉस के लिए बहुत से लोग … Read more

Tying towel on head after washing hair is dangerous!

Tying towel on head after washing hair is dangerous!

Tips To Prevent Hair Fall: Baldness, hair fall, rough hair, dandruff are all common problems related to hair in today’s time. And probably everyone is struggling with it. Be it a man or a woman, be it a boy or a girl, everyone is working hard day and night to get rid of their hair … Read more

Want thick and strong hair? So don’t do these 8 mistakes even by mistake, otherwise the problem will go on increasing.

Want thick and strong hair?  So don’t do these 8 mistakes even by mistake, otherwise the problem will go on increasing.

Hair Mistakes: Thick and strong hair is desired by everyone. What do we not do to keep hair healthy. Use one to one branded product. Home remedies are also adopted, but still the problems related to hair do not leave behind or even if left, they come back. Do you know that knowingly or unknowingly … Read more

This is the main reason for hair fall in 90 percent of the people… Baldness starts increasing

This is the main reason for hair fall in 90 percent of the people… Baldness starts increasing

Hair Fall Prevention: If you are troubled by fast hair fall and fear of baldness is troubling you, then this story is especially for you. Because whether your hair is falling less or more, the main reason for hair loss is the same for most people. What is this and how can it be avoided, … Read more

Shampoos contain many harmful chemicals, know

Shampoos contain many harmful chemicals, know

Hair Care Tips: Our glowing face, shiny teeth and smile play an important role in making a good impression on the person in front of us, equally important is the contribution of our good hair. Clean and silky hair adds charm to our personality. On the other hand, if the hair is damaged or disheveled, … Read more

Causes of hair loss at an early age and ways to prevent it

Causes of hair loss at an early age and ways to prevent it

Hair Fall Prevention Tips: Hair fall is a common problem. In today’s time, very few people are found, who say that they do not have the problem of hair fall. People whose hair is falling a lot at a young age, the question often comes in the mind of such people, can the hair fall … Read more