‘Joint research, collaborative degrees’: AIIMS, IIT Delhi, UCL ink agreement for MedTech Innovatio – ET HealthWorld

‘Joint research, collaborative degrees’: AIIMS, IIT Delhi, UCL ink agreement for MedTech Innovatio – ET HealthWorld

New Delhi: GOALS New Delhi, IIT Delhiand University College London (UCL) signed a trilateral agreement on Friday to advance medical technology through joint researchcollaborative degrees, staff exchanges and global industry partnerships. The initiative aims to develop affordable healthcare innovations to address pressing global problems health challenges. “For the first time, the three institutions will join … Read more

This machine will reveal the secret of diseases hidden in the body in a short time, know how

This machine will reveal the secret of diseases hidden in the body in a short time, know how

Disease detection device: Usually, any disease can be detected in the body when the symptoms of the disease start appearing. Often, the symptoms of some diseases appear late and due to late identification, the patient cannot get proper treatment. But now such a machine has come to the medical field that can diagnose the disease … Read more

रीढ़ और स्ट्रोक मरीजों की चलने की मुश्किलें होंगी अब दूर, स्वदेशी रोबोटिक पैर बनेगा सहारा

रीढ़ और स्ट्रोक मरीजों की चलने की मुश्किलें होंगी अब दूर, स्वदेशी रोबोटिक पैर बनेगा सहारा

<p>आज के समय में, नई-नई तकनीकें हमारी जिंदगी को आसान और बेहतर बना रही हैं, खासकर जब बात स्वास्थ्य की आती है. इसी क्रम में, दिल्ली के तीन बड़े संस्थान – AIIMS, DRDO और IIT दिल्ली&nbsp; एक साथ मिलकर एक खास तरह की मशीन पर काम कर रहे हैं. यह मशीन एक पहनने वाला रोबोट … Read more