Ginger Health Benefits: 6 Reasons Why You Must Add Adrak in Your Winter Diet

Ginger Health Benefits: 6 Reasons Why You Must Add Adrak in Your Winter Diet

Ginger Health Benefits: Ginger has a long history of use as a home remedy for the flu and common cold. Many people also find ginger beneficial for stomach problems or foodborne illnesses. Ginger Health Benefits: 6 Reasons Why You Should Add Adrak Into Your Winter Diet Ginger Health Benefits: Winter is the time to enjoy … Read more

5 Indian Superfoods That Can Do Wonders For Your Health

5 Indian Superfoods That Can Do Wonders For Your Health

Ashwagandha <!– Recipe by Chef Divya Burman –> Ashwagandha, also known as Indian ginseng, is an adaptogen known for its immune-boosting and stress-relieving qualities. Dr. Ashutosh Gautam, Clinical Operations and Coordination Manager at Baidyanath, says, “It also improves overall immunity, strength, energy and stamina.” .

This winter superfood will help keep the body warm and healthy

This winter superfood will help keep the body warm and healthy

Winter is all about enjoying seasonal treats along with foods that help keep your body warm, healthyand away from seasonal diseases. While there are many foods that are known for their nutritional value, experts call ginger the perfect “winter superfood” to add to your diet during the cold season. “Ginger, popularly known as adrak, is … Read more