मुंबई में फैल रही है ये अजीब सी बीमारी, बुखार और बेचैनी जैसे लक्षण- यहां जानें सब कुछ

मुंबई में इन दिनों एक अजीब सी बीमारी का प्रकोप छाया हुआ है. इस बीमारी के शुरुआती लक्षण में सामान्य बुखार है. यह बीमारी कम समय में काफी ज्यादा लोगों को अपनी गिरफ्त में ले रही है. टाइम्स ऑफ इंडिया के रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक मलेरिा, चिकनगुनिया और दूसरे इंफेक्शन  में जिस तरीके से मरीजों का … Read more

These 11 things become the cause of infection, after touching them, you must wash your hands

Health Care: The risk of diseases spreading due to infection increases during the rainy season. Because in this season, bacteria and viruses get a favorable environment to flourish. Even though you wash your hands frequently and take care of hygiene, but still there are many such things used in daily life, which most people ignore … Read more

Lockdowns doubled your risk of mental health symptoms

During the almost two years of comings and goings COVID lockdownswe hear many concerns from many different corners about the mental health effects of forcing people to stay home and stay away from friends and family. Many research projects were undertaken to try to measure the scale of the impacts on mental health. However, the … Read more

Vitamin C: Bridging the Immunity Gap for Non-Communicable Diseases

The last two years have strengthened the importance of good health and the immune system, which is needed not only now but in the long run for both seasonal infections and non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The prevalence of NCDs in India is increasing at an alarming rate, with the disease increasing by 83% in the last … Read more