Kolkata teenagers launch online platform for identifying youngsters’ mental health issues – ET HealthWorld

Kolkata teenagers launch online platform for identifying youngsters’ mental health issues – ET HealthWorld

Kolkata: Teenagers calling teenagers! As mental health issues continue to seep into our lives every day, the urgent need for an easily accessible data-rich platform for self-identifying triggers, symptoms and other facets becomes even more critical. Enter “Mentica”, a platform developed by a group of Kolkata teenagers to provide professional, well-researched, digitally safe and real-world … Read more

Covid-19 Latest News: In areas of Kolkata where there is an outbreak of dengue, there is less risk of corona!

Covid-19 Latest News: In areas of Kolkata where there is an outbreak of dengue, there is less risk of corona!

Corona Virus News Update: On one hand, the fourth wave of Corona has knocked and people are once again being advised to follow cleanliness, medicine and strictness. On the other hand, a research has come to the fore, whose claims can give some relief to the Indians suffering from the terror of mosquitoes. Subhajit Biswas, … Read more