नाखून की हालत बता देगी लिवर का हाल, डैमेज होते ही कलर और साइज में होते हैं ये बदलाव

Liver Damage Symptoms: लिवर हमारे शरीर का बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण पार्ट है. लिवर का दूसरा नाम जिगर भी है. डॉक्टर्स की बात करें तो लिवर को बेहद स्मार्ट ऑर्गन कहा जाता है कि अगर इसे आप अच्छे से रखेंगे तो यह आपकी जिंदगी में चार चांद लगा देगा. लेकिन आप इसकी बेइज्जती करेंगे तो यह आपके … Read more

These are the warning signs of liver cirrhosis… Must recognize them

Liver Cirrhosis Symptoms: Liver cirrhosis is a serious medical condition of liver disease. This happens when the tissues of the liver are permanently damaged, that is, the recovery of these tissues is not possible. This is a condition of liver damage. Actually, liver is an important organ which works to refine nutrients. It works to … Read more

With these symptoms, it is understood that the liver is completely damaged.

Health News: Liver is an important part of our body. It can be effective in cleaning the dirt present in our body. With its help, you can cure many diseases. In such a situation, if the liver stops working properly, then you can have many serious problems. Yes, that is why it is very important … Read more