बढ़ती उम्र की महिलाएं मीठे से कर लें परहेज, क्योंकि यह आपके मौत का कारण बन सकता है

बढ़ती उम्र की महिलाएं मीठे से कर लें परहेज, क्योंकि यह आपके मौत का कारण बन सकता है

<p>मीठा खाना और पीना हमारी लाइफस्टाइल का हिस्सा सा बन गया है. व्यक्ति चाय, शरबत या नींबू पीता ही है लेकिन आपकी जानकारी के लिए बता दें कि मीठा खाने से आपकी सेहत बुरी तरह खराब हो सकती है. सीएनएन में छपी एक रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक रोजाना चीनी-मीठा पीने से लिवर कैंसर या क्रोनिक लिवर … Read more

Not only beneficial, beetroot can also harm the body, this problem can be related to kidney

Not only beneficial, beetroot can also harm the body, this problem can be related to kidney

Beetroot Side Effects: Beetroot is a superfood. Beetroot rich in beta-carotene and iron is counted among the foods that provide relief in anemia and period related problems. Apart from this, eating beetroot also gives many benefits. Vitamin C is found in plenty in beetroot which helps in keeping you away from many diseases. Most people … Read more

What is liver cirrhosis, which damaged 75 percent of Amitabh Bachchan’s liver

What is liver cirrhosis, which damaged 75 percent of Amitabh Bachchan’s liver

Liver Cirrhosis: ‘Liver Cirrhosis’ damaged 75 percent of Amitabh Bachchan’s liver, only 25% is alive, know what is this disease Source link

If the liver is ill, along with the stomach, there can be a change in the way you walk, recognize this way

If the liver is ill, along with the stomach, there can be a change in the way you walk, recognize this way

Liver Problems: When the liver is weak, it is unable to function properly, due to which pain can occur in the body in many ways. Liver is an important part of our body and it is necessary that we take more care of it. It plays a vital role in eliminating toxins from the body, … Read more

Do not ignore these problems on the skin, there may be signs of fatty liver

Do not ignore these problems on the skin, there may be signs of fatty liver

Fatty Liver Symptoms on Skin: Many times we ignore excessive itching in the skin, but do you know that itching and burning in the skin indicate many problems related to the liver. Metabolizes fats, proteins and carbohydrates and also stores glycogen, vitamins and minerals. Skin rashes Fatty liver disease is one of the most common … Read more

Aloe vera can be beneficial not only in beauty but also in serious health problems..know how?

Aloe vera can be beneficial not only in beauty but also in serious health problems..know how?

Alovera For Health: Aloe vera is a key medicinal plant which has many benefits, be it for health, skin or hair.. There is a long list of benefits of aloe vera. Drinking aloe vera juice is beneficial in many diseases, let’s know about them medicinal properties of aloe vera Talking about the medicinal properties of … Read more

4 Digestive Problems That May Indicate Fatty Liver Disease You Need to Know

4 Digestive Problems That May Indicate Fatty Liver Disease You Need to Know

Fatty Liver Problems: People who are overweight or obese are at a higher risk of NAFLD. The condition progresses slowly and often there are no clear signs to recognize the condition in the early stages. If the condition worsens, it can show up through a variety of gastrointestinal conditions that keep getting worse over time. … Read more

This problem is increasing among dengue patients in Delhi, know the opinion of experts

This problem is increasing among dengue patients in Delhi, know the opinion of experts

Dengue Health News : Dengue cases have been increasing continuously in the country’s capital Delhi for the past few days. According to doctors from different hospitals here, many patients of dengue disease caused by mosquito bites are reporting liver problems and capillary leaks as well as other problems. When capillary leaks occur, the plasma leaks … Read more