सर्दियों में हीमोग्लोबिन कम हो जाए तो तुरंत खाना शुरू करें ये फूड्स

सर्दियों में हीमोग्लोबिन कम हो जाए तो तुरंत खाना शुरू करें ये फूड्स Source link

How does ‘hemoglobin’ increase in the body? If it is not under control then many diseases will happen.

Low Haemoglobin Symptoms: Hemoglobin is an essential protein found in red blood cells. Due to the lack of hemoglobin in the body, the amount of blood can be less than normal and if there is a lack of blood in the body, then the risk of anemia increases. When the red blood cells gradually decrease … Read more