Lupin Digital Health launches evidence-based holistic heart care programme LYFE, Health News, ET HealthWorld

Lupin Digital Health launches evidence-based holistic heart care programme LYFE, Health News, ET HealthWorld

Mumbai: Lupine Digital Health announced the launch of its digital therapeutic solution, LYFEa holistic, evidence-based approach heart care program that significantly reduces the risk of a heart attack and improves vital signs and quality of life for cardiac patients Designed by leading Indian cardiologists, the program helps patients improve their heart health through online and … Read more

Start them young: The importance of mental health awareness among adolescents

Start them young: The importance of mental health awareness among adolescents

By Rajeev Sibal “I know that the greatest joy of my life has come from my violin,” said one of the world’s most celebrated Nobel Prize-winning physicists. One might have expected him to talk about the Theory of Relativity, solving the riddle of the photoelectric effect, or his seminal contributions to nuclear energy. But no … Read more