मलेरिया वैक्सीन को WHO ने टीकों की लिस्ट में किया शामिल

  India Malaria Vaccine In WHO: मलेरिया ऐसी बीमारी है जो लगभग हर विकासशील देशों में तांडव मचाती है. हाल ही में वैज्ञानिकों ने मलेरिया का नया टीका बनाया है जिसे विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन ने मंजूरी देते हुए इसे टीकों की लिस्ट में शामिल किया है. वर्ल्ड चेंजर माने जा रहे इस टीके को भारत के … Read more

Hepatitis C drug can be used to treat malaria

Every year many people die due to malaria in India. Malaria is caused by the bite of female Anopheles mosquito. These mosquitoes are more in the rainy season. In malaria, a person has problems of fever, headache, vomiting. This disease is mostly found in most of the countries of Sahara Africa and Asia. Odisha accounts … Read more

Now no one will die of malaria, R21/Matrix-M vaccine is coming soon, know about it

Malaria Vaccine: A booster dose given one year after the first three doses of malaria vaccine R21/Matrix-M will be effective in preventing malaria. This vaccine (Malaria Vaccine) is capable of providing 70 to 80 percent protection against this mosquito-borne disease. This information has been given in a study published in the journal ‘The Lancet Infectious … Read more

Now no one will die of malaria, R21/Matrix-M vaccine is coming soon, know about it

Malaria Vaccine: A booster dose given one year after the first three doses of malaria vaccine R21/Matrix-M will be effective in preventing malaria. This vaccine (Malaria Vaccine) is capable of providing 70 to 80 percent protection against this mosquito-borne disease. This information has been given in a study published in the journal ‘The Lancet Infectious … Read more