If you seek treatment from a female doctor, your health will soon improve and the risk of losing your life will be less.

Recent research has shown that patients treated by female doctors have a greater chance of survival and less need to be rehospitalized. This research was published in the journal “Annals of Internal Medicine”. Know what the research saysResearchers from the University of Tokyo, Japan, analyzed data from more than 700,000 Medicare patients who required treatment … Read more

Every year the lives of 11 crore animals will be saved.

According to PETA, every year about 10 to 11 crore animals are killed in the name of medical research. These animals include rats, frogs, dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, monkeys, fish and birds. Research is done on these to make medicines and beauty products. These animals are forced to breathe toxic fumes before death. … Read more