Raewyn has lived with mental illness for 30 years. She says accessing treatment has worsened over time

Soon: Raewyn Pepper says accessing support to manage schizophrenia has become more difficult since she was diagnosed with schizophrenia in 1996. The New South Wales Legislative Council has concluded that the state’s mental health services are extraordinarily difficult for people with mental illness and their carers to manage. Whats Next? The State Government has announced … Read more

International Nurses Day 2022: 5 mental health tips for nurses by a psychologist

The contribution of frontline workers, including our doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel amid the COVID-19 The pandemic is unparalleled. Working tirelessly day and night until they got tired, they also had to deal with a lack of essential items as they struggled to save lives and care for Covid patients. What better day to … Read more