There may be a problem of rashes on the neck of a small child in the rain, get relief from these measures

There may be a problem of rashes on the neck of a small child in the rain, get relief from these measures

Neck Rashes In Babies: It is quite common for children to have rashes. Children are more prone to rashes, especially in monsoons. The reason for this is that the soft skin of babies is unable to tolerate heat and humidity for a long time, due to which rashes start on their neck and back. If … Read more

These diseases easily surround children in monsoon, protect them like this

These diseases easily surround children in monsoon, protect them like this

Take Care of Children During Monsoon: In the rainy season, there is relief from the heat, but the problem comes when many diseases start bothering your children during this season. Yes, as soon as the rainy season comes, the immunity of the children starts falling, due to which different diseases of monsoon start bothering them. … Read more