Fine Particulate Matter Linked to Increased Mortality Risk in India

Fine Particulate Matter Linked to Increased Mortality Risk in India

Air pollution damages lung health, increases the risk of heart disease and contributes to respiratory diseases. Across India, an increase of 10 micrograms per cubic meter in annual exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) is associated with an 8.6% increased risk of mortality. (1✔ ✔Trustworthy sourceEstimating the effect of annual PM2·5 exposure on mortality in … Read more

Is this AI tool accurate enough to predict your death? Here’s what scientists say – ET HealthWorld

Is this AI tool accurate enough to predict your death? Here’s what scientists say – ET HealthWorld

New Delhi: Researchers have developed an innovative AI-based mortality calculator that can estimate the proximity of an individual’s death. Published in Lancet Digital Health, this study highlights how AI-powered electrocardiograms (ECGs) can predict future health problems and mortality risk. However, this technology is not yet part of standard medical practice. Presenting AIR: The AI-ECG risk … Read more

91 percent more risk of early death than obesity! Shocking revelation in the study

91 percent more risk of early death than obesity!  Shocking revelation in the study

Obesity Cause Death Risk: Overweight or obesity brings with it many diseases. There are many such diseases, which arise in one’s body due to the effect of obesity. According to a new study, obesity increases the risk of dying from any disease from 22 percent to 91 percent. According to the results of a study … Read more

What is the exercise sweet spot to lower mortality risk among adults? 

What is the exercise sweet spot to lower mortality risk among adults? 

It may be common knowledge that increased levels of physical activity are indirectly proportional to age-related health risks. However, many wonder how much exercise is enough. A new study involving more than 100,000 participants and a 30-year follow-up period revealed that those who engage in two to four times the currently recommended amount of weekly … Read more