Indians Predisposed to Insulin Resistance More Prone to Fatty Liver Disease

Health experts suggest that Indians have a high predisposition to insulin resistance and are at higher risk of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). “Studies show that, based on a combination of environmental and genetic factors, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is prevalent in 9 to 53 percent of the general population (1✔ ✔Reliable sourceNon-alcoholic … Read more

Fatty Liver Rise in India: 7 Common Causes That Go Unnoticed But Lead to Fat-Build Up

Home Health Fatty Liver Rise in India: 7 Common Causes That Go Unnoticed But Lead to Fat-Build Up Fatty liver or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is increasing in India and not just in adults, but children as well. Here are some basic causes that may lead to fat build-up and why. Fatty liver cases are … Read more

Fatty Liver: 6 Home Remedies to Lower Fat Build-Up Naturally

Home Health Fatty Liver: 6 Home Remedies to Lower Fat Build-Up Naturally Treating ailments naturally is the best way for the body to recover. Home remedies often help to heal naturally that simple depending on medication. Fatty Liver: 6 Home Remedies to Lower Fat Build-Up Naturally What is fatty liver? As the name suggests, when … Read more

Fatty Liver Cases Rise in India: 5 Exercises to Boost Liver Health

Home Health Fatty Liver Cases Rise in India: 5 Exercises to Boost Liver Health According to a recent study by AIIMS, there is a significant rise of fatty liver cases in India and sedentary lifestyle is one of the major causes for it. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is become a growing health concern across … Read more

Fatty Liver Cases Rise in India: 7 Ways to Keep Your Liver Safe and Healthy

Home Health Fatty Liver Cases On The Rise In India: 7 Ways To Keep Your Liver Safe And Healthy After the revelation of the Lancet study on how millions of Indians are diabetics, other non-communicable diseases like fatty liver have also been shown to be on the rise. How to prevent fatty liver disease and … Read more

Why choline belongs in a brain-friendly diet

If you are eat for brain healthyour regular menu likely includes polyphenol-packed berries, lutein-rich green leafy vegetables, and omega-3s from oily fish. But your menu may be missing choline-rich foods like soy, eggs, red potatoes, and kidney beans. Getting enough of this B-like vitamin has been linked to better cognitive performance and, recently, a lower … Read more