This Little-Known Supplement Does Wonders For Heart Health & Function*

This Little-Known Supplement Does Wonders For Heart Health & Function*

In fact, a 2021 revision of Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition found that betaine supplementation of less than 4,000 milligrams per day helps maintain healthy homocysteine ​​levels (which is one of the reasons we include 1,700 milligrams of betaine in our methylation support+ supplement).* Another meta-analysis of Journal of Chiropractic Medicine shows that … Read more

New Study Reveals We Can Intuitively Eat Based On Nutritional Needs

New Study Reveals We Can Intuitively Eat Based On Nutritional Needs

Making positive choices with your eating habits is one of the essential pillars of maintaining a well-rounded lifestyle, but sometimes it can feel like choosing the healthiest ingredients is a struggle. What if we told you that creating nutritious food pairings is actually second nature, if you listen to your body? AN new study has … Read more

Between 1940 and now, nutrient levels in fruits, vegetables in UK reduced by 50%, says study

Between 1940 and now, nutrient levels in fruits, vegetables in UK reduced by 50%, says study

Compared between 1940 and now, the amount of key nutrients in fruit and vegetables available in the UK has fallen by around 50%, according to one study. Depletion has been seen in levels of magnesium, iron, sodium and copper. It also means UK citizens are at risk of malnutrition, experts have warned. The adoption of … Read more

The Biggest Red Flag In A Multivitamin, From A PhD & RD

The Biggest Red Flag In A Multivitamin, From A PhD & RD

According to Ferira, any supplement brand that uses the term “pharmaceutical grade” to describe its ingredients is questionable. See, there is a huge myth that the supplement industry is not regulated by the FDA; this is completely false. The FDA actually has very strict rules (a breakdown of those rules here) in terms of what … Read more