Native Foods May Tackle Malnutrition in Vulnerable Tribal Communities in India

Despite their access to biodiversity resources, tribal communities in India have compromised nutritional status and dismal quality of life due to factors such as geographic isolation, financial insecurity, poor literacy, sub-optimal living conditions and poor health and social services. According to the National Family Health Survey (2015-2016), the prevalence of chronic energy deficiency (CED) and … Read more

Recrafting India’s nutrition initiative

The Registrar General of India has confirmed that India’s maternal mortality ratio was 97 during 2018-2020. During 2001-03, it was 301. The infant mortality rate was 58 in 2005. In 2021 it was 27. While we have reasons to be less unhappy, we still have a long way to go. However, the rate of decline … Read more

Suffering from bleeding gums or hair loss? Know 5 signs of vitamin deficiency

How does your body work? Well, it’s all with the help of vitamins and minerals. Our body needs certain vitamins on a daily basis to function properly. And if we don’t meet these requirements with the right kind of food, then a vitamin deficiency is created, which can lead to various problems. Let’s look at … Read more