Covid JN.1: What Are The New Symptoms of Coronavirus Infection Apart From Fever and Runny Nose?

Home Health Covid JN.1: What Are The New Symptoms of Coronavirus Infection Apart From Fever and Runny Nose? According to a latest report by UK health authorities, two new symptoms have been detected in people who contracted Covid JN.1. Covid JN.1: What Are The New Symptoms of Coronavirus Infection Apart From Fever and Runny Nose? … Read more

New COVID Sub-Variant of Omicron In India Maybe Alarming, Says Expert

Delhi: A new sub variant of Omicron BA 2.75 has been found in about 10 Indian states. This type can be frightening, according to Israeli experts. However, the Indian Ministry of Health has not yet officially confirmed the subtype discovery in the country.Also read – 16,103 new COVID-19 cases in India in 24 hours, 31 … Read more

COVID’s New Omicron Sub-Variants Can Dodge Immunity In Unvaccinated, May Trigger Wave: Study

Johannesburg: Two new subliners of the Omicron coronavirus variant could better dodge antibodies from previous infections to launch a new wave, South African scientists have discovered, news agency Reuters reported. According to the report, newer sub-variants of Omicron, however, are much less capable of thriving in the blood of people vaccinated against Covid-19.Also read – … Read more