Pakistani actor Sarwat Gilani discusses severe postpartum depression: Self-care tips for new mothers on recovery

Pakistani actress Sarwat Gilani’s brave revelation in a recent interview about her struggle with postpartum depression mail birth of a childhighlights the importance of postpartum recoverySarwat shared how after “a serious surgery“She met her baby who was struggling to have milk while she herself was struggling as well, “So, I had the feeling that it … Read more

Why did this Pakistani person fall into coma, you should also take this precaution

Diabetes Symptoms: Bad lifestyle is the factor of many diseases. Hypertension, blood pressure, diabetes are such diseases. If the lifestyle is not improved in time. If the doctor is not consulted, the situation can become serious. Diabetes is known as silent killer. If the blood sugar level is increased then it slowly starts damaging all … Read more