Smooth Periods: Want smooth and healthy periods? So definitely take care of these 6 things

Smooth Periods: Want smooth and healthy periods?  So definitely take care of these 6 things

Menstruation: Women face many problems during periods. Along with unbearable pain, issues like personal hygiene, period stains and vaginal irritation make periods difficult at times. To get rid of them, it is necessary that you stick with complete planning. Following a healthy routine during periods will help women stay clean and control its pain. Let … Read more

If you use microwave-coffee machine or fridge in office, then be careful, this is the reason for many diseases.

If you use microwave-coffee machine or fridge in office, then be careful, this is the reason for many diseases.

The kitchen area built in the office is also used by the people working there. Some use the microwave to heat lunch and some use the machine kept there to make tea or coffee. We come in contact with office kitchen items for various reasons. In a research, it has been said that dangerous bacteria … Read more

Washing underwear with other clothes is dangerous! Know what is the right way to wash it?

Washing underwear with other clothes is dangerous!  Know what is the right way to wash it?

Underwear Washing Rules: While washing clothes, we tend to ignore many such things which are most important to pay attention to. We all put most of the clothes in the same bucket, without thinking that some clothes need to be washed separately. People separate white clothes for fear of getting stains, but what about underwear? … Read more

These three mistakes of washing hands in children can harm health, know how

These three mistakes of washing hands in children can harm health, know how

Kids Hand Washing Mistakes: You must have noticed many times that no matter how much you take care of hygiene, whether it is a matter of cooking, feeding or cleaning, your children get sick again and again. Due to which you not only have to suffer, but also how much harm it causes to the … Read more