Alert! Your bones can become hollow due to these things of eating and drinking… do Tata bye-bye from today itself

Bone Health: Bad eating habits and bad lifestyle are affecting our health. Nowadays people are struggling with problems related to bones at an early age. Even at a young age, on the slightest movement, the sound of cut-cut starts coming from the bones. Apart from this, the problem of joint pain has also become quite … Read more

Do not eat these things at all in summer, tremendous reaction can be seen in the body

Must Avoid These Things In Summer: The summer season has started. If special care is taken of health in this season, then many types of physical problems may have to be faced. Most of all one should take care of eating and drinking in this season. If you do not eat food carefully in this … Read more

Pickle Craving: Know why pregnant women suddenly feel like eating sour

Know why pregnant women suddenly feel like eating sour… If there is a craving for pickle, then it will be a boy? Source link

Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar Tells Why A Pickle “Is A Must Have On Your Plate”

The holiday season may be over, but we are slowly moving towards harvest festivals like Makar Sankranti, Lohri, and Pongal across the country. These festivals are a celebration of seasonal food products and the way that different cultures incorporate them into their diet. In this context, nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar reminded us of a vital winter … Read more