Unregulated online gambling attracting children, harm prevention agency says

Unregulated online gambling attracting children, harm prevention agency says

A middle-aged boy who spent all night playing online games racked up $16,000 on his mother’s credit card, said Mapu Maia chief executive Pesio Ah-Honi. Photo: 123RF According to a support service, children as young as 11 are racking up thousands of dollars in debt due to online gambling. The Mapu Maia director said there … Read more

Business owners increasingly facing mental health struggles

Business owners increasingly facing mental health struggles

Photo: RNZ / Rebekah Parsons-King Tough trading conditions are increasingly taking a toll on the mental health of small and medium-sized business owners. The latest MYOB business monitor shows that more than a third of respondents have experienced mental distress, such as anxiety or depression, since taking over their business. For homeowners facing decreased income, … Read more

Why seasonal affective disorder impacts our mood in winter, and how to treat it

Why seasonal affective disorder impacts our mood in winter, and how to treat it

Photo: unpack Many of us suffer from the winter blues, but seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a mental illness and should be treated accordingly, says clinical psychologist Jacqui Maguire. People who suffer from SAD have many of the common depressive symptoms, he told RNZ. Nights. “It can be low mood, loss of joy, a change … Read more

‘Henry had turned into a dragon’ – Living with postpartum psychosis

‘Henry had turned into a dragon’ – Living with postpartum psychosis

Australian health professional Ariane Beeston has written a book about her experience with postpartum psychosis. Photo: supplied by Black Inc Books Ariane Beeston was walking her son in his stroller when she looked down and didn’t see a baby. “I was walking home from work, pushing the stroller, and Henry had turned into a dragon. … Read more

Prof Anna Wirz-Justice: Why winter makes us SAD and how light can help

Prof Anna Wirz-Justice: Why winter makes us SAD and how light can help

Photo: Ricky Esquivel/Pexels If you feel sadder as the days get shorter, you are not alone. About half of the population report feeling less happy in winter and 5 percent fall into serious depression. Besides nutrition and exercise, having more light in your eyes is the best treatment we know for seasonal mood challenges, says … Read more