What is the treatment of polycystic ovarian syndrome, know how much it will cost – GoMedii

Nowadays the problem of irregular periods has become very common in girls. This problem can later take the form of PCOS. There was a time when women lived their lives within the four walls of the house. But now the times have changed so much that today women shoulder to shoulder with men and shoulder … Read more

Know the Cost of Polycystic Kidney Treatment and Best Hospital for it – GoMedii

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) can be passed on from a family member to a patient, in which many cysts develop mainly inside the kidney. When this happens, over time the kidney starts enlarging and stops working. In fact, these cysts are non-cancerous and contain fluid. They usually vary in size, and they can become very … Read more

Know its cause and treatment if you have polycystic ovary disorder? – GoMedii

Hormonal levels change in all women and this is quite common. When this happens, many changes take place in the body of women and many risks associated with hormonal changes can also arise. One of them is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). It is also known as polycystic ovary disease (PCOD). After research on this, it … Read more