What is Polymer Fever, Know How Dangerous It Is

What is Polymer Fever, Know How Dangerous It Is

Polymer fume fever If there is a non-stick pan in the house, use it with caution because it spreads a dangerous disease in your body. The name of this disease is polymer fever. So far, 267 people have been affected by it in America. He even had to be hospitalized. This fever occurs when toxic … Read more

Eating food cooked in non-stick cookware increases the risk of contracting a particular type of flu.

Eating food cooked in non-stick cookware increases the risk of contracting a particular type of flu.

Due to the cleanliness and ease of cooking, people today use non-stick cookware in most homes. Non-stick cookware is also easy to clean. But recent research has raised concerns about this cookware. It is said that eating food cooked in a non-stick pan can cause health problems. In particular, the risk of a particular type … Read more