How many days after conception should you take a pregnancy test, knowing the right time

Pregnancy test : Whether a woman is pregnant or not can be detected through a pregnancy test. If the pregnancy test is positive, it means the woman is pregnant and if it is negative, it means she is not pregnant. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is detected by a pregnancy test. This is a kind of … Read more

पीरियड्स मिस होने पर दिख रहे हैं ये 5 लक्षण, तो तुरंत करवा लें प्रेग्नेंसी टेस्ट

महिलाओं में पीरियड्स को लेकर काफी गड़बड़ी रहती है. कभी जल्दी पीरियड्स आ जाते हैं, तो कभी थोड़े लेट हो जाते हैं. वहीं तनाव, खानपान में बदलाव या किसी अन्य कारणों से पीरियड्स लेट हो सकते हैं. लेकिन हमेशा समय पर आते हैं और इस बार एक हफ्ते से ज्यादा देरी हो चुकी है, तो … Read more

बच्चा मंदबुद्धि न पैदा हो जानें कौन सा टेस्ट करवाना चाहिए? समय रहते किया जा सकता है इलाज

Quad Screen Test : गर्भावस्था के दौरान हर मां को अपने बच्चे के स्वास्थ्य को लेकर चिंता रहती है. कि बच्चा स्वस्थ और सही सलामत पैदा होगा, यह डर सभी सभी मां को लगा रहता है.  गर्भावस्था के दौरान शारीरिक और मानसिक रूप से कई बदलाव आते हैं. बच्चे का स्वस्थ जन्म सुनिश्चित करने के … Read more

Pregnancy was detected by wheat and onion, these are the most unique tests in history

Today the world has become modern, any change happening in the body is immediately detected by the machines. But several hundred years ago, when science was not so modern, there were no machines to examine the body, then how was it known about them. Especially when it comes to pregnancy test, then the matter becomes … Read more

Follow these tips in the first 3 months of pregnancy, both mother and child will remain healthy

National Safe Motherhood Day 2023 theme: Every year on 11th April ‘National Safe Motherhood Day’ is celebrated. There is a purpose behind celebrating this day. To make women aware of the precautions to be taken during pregnancy. How will women live after pregnancy? Have to tell about that too. Women are very sensitive in the … Read more

Get relief from the problem of back pain in pregnancy, these yogasanas are safe

Yoga For Back Pain In Pregnancy: During pregnancy, women have to face many problems as time passes. Especially the problem of back pain is the most common and most common among people. Today we have come up with a solution to this problem. Yes, today we will tell you some such yogasanas, with the help … Read more

Which is better blood or urine test for pregnancy, know the right time to do it

Right Time For Pregnancy Test: Which is better blood or urine test for pregnancy, know the right time to do it. Source link