Why is anti-inflammatory diet in trend… know how this diet is beneficial for health

Anti-Inflammatory Diet: From losing weight to staying healthy, people are following more than one diet these days. Like keto diet, polio diet, vegan diet etc… one such diet is anti-inflammatory diet, which is in trend these days. Following this diet keeps you away from diseases and strengthens your immune system. Actually, when the body’s immune … Read more

Methi Dana Benefits: 5 Effective Benefits of Having Soaked Fenugreek Seeds on an Empty Stomach

Fenugreek seeds or fenugreek seeds A common ingredient in many traditional recipes. This herb has many beneficial effects on overall health when included in the diet on a daily basis. Fenugreek seeds help in digestion and weight loss. It is also believed that soaking fenugreek seeds overnight and drinking warm water can prove more effective. … Read more