फेशियल मसाज के ये 6 फायदे हर महिला को जरूर जानना चाहिए

फेशियल मसाज के ये 6 फायदे हर महिला को जरूर जानना चाहिए Source link

Does exercising also bring glow on the face? Know what experts say

Does Gymming Improve Skin: Workout and physical activity are very important for our body and health. By doing workout, the body remains fit. Body is toned. There are many such diseases including obesity, heart disease, BP which do not surround you. This is the reason why experts advise people to make workouts a part of … Read more

To remove the accumulated dirt on the face, apply this thing mixed with curd…the face will blossom

Curd Face Pack: Skin care is very important to maintain the beauty of the face. It is very important to apply from face pack to face scrub in the skin care routine. This removes the dirt of the skin. The removal of dead skin cells brings glow to the face. For this, most of the … Read more

What is gotu kola herb, which is giving competition to the most expensive skin products, know its benefits

Gotu Kola Benefits: If you want to take care of your skin in a natural way, then you can include gotukola in your skincare routine. This is a natural herb. The name of this plant is Centella astitika, which is also known as Brahmi Booti or Mandukaparni. It is claimed about this plant that it … Read more