These 4 yogasanas will work fast in the problem of high BP…try it once

Yoga For High BP: In today’s era, due to poor diet and poor lifestyle, not only the elderly but also the youth are coming under the grip of high blood pressure. This is such a problem that if ignored, the risk of heart disease can increase. Patients with high blood pressure are at a higher … Read more

Abdominal fat will also be reduced and digestion will also be correct, do these 3 asanas as soon as you wake up in the morning.

Morning Yoga For Fitness: Yoga is very important for better health and for peace of mind. This reduces weight. Digestion is improved, and if you are troubled by belly fat, then it is helpful in reducing it too, but women are often so busy with work that they are unable to spare time for themselves. … Read more

Due to stiffness in the body, it has become difficult to move. Try these 4 yogasanas.

Yoga For Body Stiffness:Due to hectic life, 9 hours shift in office and continuous traveling, the body becomes tired and feels stiff when going to bed at night. Sometimes there is so much pain in the muscles and bones that it becomes difficult to move. Most of the people are troubled by back pain and … Read more