Physical exercise provides positive health benefits on COVID-19 outcomes

Physical exercise provides positive health benefits on COVID-19 outcomes

Un nuevo estudio publicado en Más uno encontró que el ejercicio físico afecta positivamente el pronóstico de la enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). Estudiar: El beneficio para la salud del ejercicio físico en la pandemia de COVID-19: Evidencia de China continental. Haber de imagen: GP PIXSTOCK/Shutterstock Los resultados mostraron tasas de curación comparativamente más altas … Read more

What is the relationship between Khosta-2 and Kovid-19, why are scientists warning

What is the relationship between Khosta-2 and Kovid-19, why are scientists warning

Khosta-2 Virus connection with Covid-19: Sometimes in the form of SARS, sometimes Mars and sometimes in the form of Kovid-19, the viruses of the Corona family have been scaring the world at different times. Now another virus of this family has come to the fore, the name is Khosta-2. Experts first came to know about … Read more

What is the influence of individual infectiousness variation on COVID-19 spread across households?

What is the influence of individual infectiousness variation on COVID-19 spread across households?

In a recent article published in the medRxiv*preprint server, scientists characterized the effect of variation in individual infectiousness on the heterogeneity of transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) between households. To study: The effect of variation in individual infectiousness on SARS-CoV-2 transmission in households. Image Credit: eamesBot / Shutterstock Background Controlling the … Read more