If you do not do exercise, then this is 6 disadvantages, know here immediately

If you do not do exercise, then this is 6 disadvantages, know here immediately

Exercise Benefits For Body: Every person wants that he should be fit throughout his life. For this, people take other means including improving lifestyle, exercising, walking. People who keep their daily life healthy. They also remain healthy to a great extent as compared to other people. Doctors say that exercising is very beneficial for health. … Read more

If you want to get rid of obesity then these 5 drinks will be helpful

If you want to get rid of obesity then these 5 drinks will be helpful

Obesity Side Effects: Obesity is undoubtedly not kept in the category of disease, but if seen in medical condition, it is not less than any disease. Being obese leads to diseases like hypertension, diabetes. It has been revealed in many studies that there is a risk of getting 13 types of cancer due to obesity. … Read more

This disease of fat is not only in fat people, but also in thin people. find out like this

This disease of fat is not only in fat people, but also in thin people.  find out like this

Skinny Fat Side Effects: Being obese is a serious disease. In this the size of the body becomes very large. Along with this, the risk of getting diabetes, hypertension, heart disease increases. Doctors say that the risk of cancer in overweight people is many times higher than in healthy people. At the same time, the … Read more

Obese people are more at risk of heart attack, what is the connection between obesity and heart?

Obese people are more at risk of heart attack, what is the connection between obesity and heart?

Heart Attack Symptoms: Famous actor Satish Kaushik died of heart attack. Satish Kaushik used to exercise regularly to stay fit. Many videos while exercising are also viral on social media. In such a situation, it is really a matter of concern for a person who is always concerned about fitness to have a heart attack. … Read more

Not only big, obesity can be a serious disease if the child becomes obese.

Not only big, obesity can be a serious disease if the child becomes obese.

Obesity Side Effects In Children: Obesity is not counted in the category of disease. But it is not less than any disease. Because of this, there is a risk of hypertension, blood pressure, cancer and many other diseases. But the danger of these diseases is usually seen only for the elders. But do you know … Read more

Be Alert! These are 13 types of cancer, they are directly related to obesity.

Be Alert!  These are 13 types of cancer, they are directly related to obesity.

Obesity SIde Effects: Uncontrolled growth of cells is called cancer. Many factors are also responsible for getting cancer. For example, people who have genetic problems. They are at higher risk of getting cancer. Excessive exposure to radioactive rays can cause cancer. Even if you are inhaling polluted air, there is a risk of cancer. Apart … Read more

Be careful! If there is obesity then these 5 diseases come secretly

Be careful!  If there is obesity then these 5 diseases come secretly

obesity long term side effects: Diseases go home due to bad lifestyle. Obesity is also a lifestyle disease. If the weight is less, then there is a desire to be fat. But in this desire, youth starts eating junk food and unhealthy diet. This is where obesity begins. However, to eliminate obesity, people even undergo … Read more