Can too much salt cause stomach cancer? Here’s what we know

Can too much salt cause stomach cancer? Here’s what we know

Home Health Can too much salt cause stomach cancer? This is what we know Too much of too much is bad. But did you know that excessive salt consumption can cause stomach cancer? What is food without salt? It is the key ingredient in all types of foods. Food tastes great without these little white … Read more

Excess salt causes death… Those who eat too much should be careful, this report scares them

Excess salt causes death… Those who eat too much should be careful, this report scares them

Daily salt intake: Foods without salt taste bland. The sodium it contains is essential for the body, but if its quantity exceeds then it can cause dangerous side effects. Health experts advise against eating too much salt. The World Health Organization (WHO) also advises consuming salt according to taste. According to the WHO, every year … Read more

शराब से भी ज्यादा खतरनाक हैं ये फूड आइटम्स, शरीर को अंदर से कर देते हैं खोखला

शराब से भी ज्यादा खतरनाक हैं ये फूड आइटम्स, शरीर को अंदर से कर देते हैं खोखला

हम अक्सर अपने आसपास घर में सुनते हैं कि शराब शरीर के लिए ठीक नहीं है. जो लोग इसे पीते हैं वह बीमारी के शिकार हो जाते हैं. इसलिए हमेशा शराब से दूरी बनाए रखने कि हिदायत दी जाती है. लेकिन आज आपको हम ऐसी खबर बताने जा रहे हैं जिसे सुनकर आप एक पल … Read more

Low Salt Diet: 6 Side-Effects of Reducing Sodium Intake In Your Everyday Meal

Low Salt Diet: 6 Side-Effects of Reducing Sodium Intake In Your Everyday Meal

Home Health Low Salt Diet: 6 Side-Effects of Reducing Sodium Intake In Your Everyday Meal Low-salt diet is gaining traction with the youth. while it is a healthy choice, there are certain side affects and health dangers associated with being on a low-sodium diet. Low Salt Diet: 6 Side-Effects of Reducing Sodium Intake In Your … Read more

This salt has been declared harmful by WHO, is rock salt really beneficial?

This salt has been declared harmful by WHO, is rock salt really beneficial?

Salt Uses: WHO recently released a report regarding the consumption of salt. WHO described the use of salt as a matter of concern for the whole world. It was revealed in the WHO report that every person in the whole world is consuming 10.8 grams of salt every day, while it should be brought down … Read more