Do you drink tea and cigarettes together every day? Know How These Can Cause Chronic Constipation

Do you drink tea and cigarettes together every day? Know How These Can Cause Chronic Constipation

Tea and tobacco are consumed together all over the world to relax and get instant energy. But their effect on digestion is often not taken into account. Drinking weak tea is good, but excessive caffeine consumption and smoking can harm your stomach health. Which can lead to chronic constipation and other problems. Tea contains caffeine. … Read more

If your ability to smell has diminished, be careful.

If your ability to smell has diminished, be careful.

People suffering from the Covid (Coronavirus) pandemic have reduced their sense of smell and lack testicles as before. Even among those who have recovered, symptoms such as loss of smell and altered taste in the mouth have been observed. Today, we will explain in detail the risk of serious illness that increases due to a … Read more