Attention Bounce in H3N2 virus… know which people are most at risk

H3N2 Influenza Virus: H3N2 virus infection has been confirmed in a 4-year-old child in Ranchi, Jharkhand. There have been reports that the girl showed symptoms of cough, cold, fever and pneumonia. The doctor told the media, his samples were sent for examination, where it was confirmed that he had a viral infection. H3N2 cases are … Read more

How much, when and how should Chyawanprash be eaten in winter?

Chyawanprash In Winters: As soon as the winter season comes, everyone in the house starts saying that everyone should eat Chyawanprash. From childhood, children keep hearing these things from their parents and grandparents. Actually, Chyawanprash contains many herbs which work to warm our body and increase immunity so that it can help the body in … Read more

Is carrot pudding just a hobby in winter or does it have some benefits? Know the truth today

Carrot Halwa: If you did not eat carrot pudding on the weekend in the winter season, then what did you eat. This dish is made in almost every household during the winter season in India. From children to elders, everyone likes to eat it. It seems as if it has become everyone’s hobby. But, is … Read more

Women must know what is vaginal seeding

Vaginal Seeding: With the changing times, today there has been so much progress in every field of science that everything is possible. A word related to pregnancy is making its identity among women, which in the language of science is called vaginal seeding. Many women do not know about this and not many people know … Read more