सरकार ने जारी की हीट वेव की एडवाइजरी, बाहर निकलते वक्त भूलकर भी न करें यह गलतियां

जब भी बाहर निकलें अपने साथ बोतल में पानी रखें. ताकि शरीर में पानी की कमी न हो. बाहर निकलने से पहले ढेर सारा पानी पी लें. शरीर में पानी की कमी न हो इसलिए नींबू पानी, छाछ, लस्सी, नमक मिला हुआ फल का जूश, ORS रोजाना पिएं. तरबूजा, खरबूजा, संतरा, अंगूर, अनानास, खीरा जैसे … Read more

What should be done in case of heat stroke? Know the symptoms and prevention of heat stroke

Heatstroke Or Sunstroke: What happens after a heat stroke, how can you know if you or a family member has got a heat stroke? Once it is known, many questions like how to treat it, come together in the mind. Because heatstroke may be a seasonal problem, but if it is not treated on time, … Read more

Heatstroke: Signs, Symptoms and Tips to Protect Yourself From Heat Waves

Many different parts of India are experiencing heat waves above 40 degrees Celsius. Heatwaves occur when normal summer temperatures exceed 4 to 6 degrees Celsius.Also read – Relief to Delhiites as heatwave is not forecast for next 5 days. Deets inside The Met Department is also warning about heat waves for the next few days. … Read more