Attention Bounce in H3N2 virus… know which people are most at risk

H3N2 Influenza Virus: H3N2 virus infection has been confirmed in a 4-year-old child in Ranchi, Jharkhand. There have been reports that the girl showed symptoms of cough, cold, fever and pneumonia. The doctor told the media, his samples were sent for examination, where it was confirmed that he had a viral infection. H3N2 cases are … Read more

If something like this is happening with you, then understand that your immunity is also weak! these are the 5 symptoms

Weak Immunity Sign: To live a healthy life, it is very important to have strong immunity. Because this immunity power only protects you from diseases. Often you must have seen that people whose immunity is weak, they always keep falling ill. On the other hand, whenever our immunity is low, then the body starts giving … Read more