आपकी आंखें ही बता देती हैं कि बढ़ रहा है Thyroid, जानें क्या हैं वार्निंग साइन

Thyroid Symptoms From Eyes: अगर किसी को थायरॉइड की समस्या है तो उसकी आंखें इसका इशारा करती है. हालांकि, बार-बार अनदेखा करने के चलते समस्या बढ़ जाती है. थाइरॉइड के मरीजों की आंखों के आसपास की मांसपेशियों और टिशूज पर इम्यून सिस्टम अटैक करता  है, जिससे आईबॉल पर सूजन नजर आने लगती है. ऐसा लगता है … Read more

Thyroid Disease: 5 Common Disorders And Their Symptoms You Need to be Aware of

Home Health Thyroid Disease: 5 Common Disorders And Their Symptoms You Need to be Aware of Several types of problems can arise when your thyroid produces too much hormone or not enough. In this article we have share, some of the most common thyroid-related conditions that one needs to be watchful of. Thyroid Disease: 5 … Read more

Thyroid in Women: 6 Major Symptoms You Should Not Ignore

Home Health Thyroid in Women: 6 Major Symptoms You Should Not Ignore Thyroid tends to affect the reproductive system of women and may lead to development of cyst in the ovaries, early onset of puberty etc. Thyroid in Women: 6 Major Symptoms You Should Not Ignore Thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland that is responsible … Read more