These 7 symptoms show that you are suffering from stomach heat. This is how to treat stomach heat.

Stomach Heat Symptoms: Stomach related problems are very common in the summer season. As the temperature rises, there is a loss of water in the body and you experience stomach problems. Because of this the person has to face a lot of discomfort. Problems like pain, burning sensation are seen in the person’s stomach. Although … Read more

Why do eyes twitch? Know the scientific reason behind this

Eye Twitching: All of us must have twitching eyes at some point or the other, in such a situation we always associate it with astrology. Yes, it is a very big truth that in India, twitching of the eyes is seen as a bad omen. Now the question is does it really happen? Actually, there … Read more

Why does the eye twitch, is it a symptom of some disease?

Reason Of Eye Twitching: Eye twitching is a normal process, but it creates a lot of curiosity and also creates trouble if you are in an office meeting or seminar. On the other hand, if the eye twitching starts in the morning, then many unknown fears also surround us. Because in our society the science … Read more