There are many benefits of eating peanut butter

Peanut Butter: Peanut butter is becoming increasingly popular among people. Peanut butter is mostly consumed in the morning breakfast. Its consumption is also beneficial for health. If eaten in moderation, peanut butter is good for heart health because it contains the right mix of fat, fiber, protein, apart from vitamins and minerals. This is also … Read more

According to age, the need of these vitamins and minerals starts in women.

Health Tips: Nutrients are very important for the good health of the body. Their deficiency affects both our health and immunity. It is believed that more nutrients are needed in the body of women than men. There is a reason for this that women have more health problems than men. Women should consume nutrients according … Read more

A Harvard nutritionist shares the No. 1 vitamin that keeps her brain ‘young and healthy’—and foods she eats ‘every day’

As a nutritional psychiatrist, I always strive to maintain a well-balanced diet. A lot of that has to do with making sure I’m getting all the right vitamins, especially since it’s essential for preventing cognitive impairment. And since the risk of neurological diseases increases as we ageOne question I often get from my patients is, … Read more

A nutritionist shares the 35 best foods to boost mood and brain energy levels: ‘Put these on your grocery list’

food and humor they are so intricately connected that they have inspired a new area of ​​brain study: nutritional psychiatrywhich examines how what we eat affects how we feel. As a dietitian and nutritionist Having researched and experienced this connection firsthand, I find it endlessly fascinating that we can empower ourselves to feel partly, or … Read more