Male infertility in India: know its causes and treatment – GoMedii

With the modern lifestyle and changing health standards, a new problem has arisen for men: male infertility. This problem is caused by the lack of sperm present in the uterus of men. The causes of this problem include modern lifestyle, irregular eating habits, stress, smoking and various unpleasant environments. Due to the combination of these … Read more

These are the most common reasons for decreasing libido and increasing infertility in men… by eating these 12 things

Cause Of Male Infertility: The issues related to fertility are increasing very fast among the youngsters. Things like Uterus related problems in young girls, PCOS, bad lifestyle, excessive fluctuations in hormones are causing problems in pregnancy, while boys are facing infertility problems at the age of 28-29 due to many social and mental reasons. . … Read more

These are the most common reasons for decreasing libido and increasing infertility in men… by eating these 12 things

Cause Of Male Infertility: The issues related to fertility are increasing very fast among the youngsters. Things like Uterus related problems in young girls, PCOS, bad lifestyle, excessive fluctuations in hormones are causing problems in pregnancy, while boys are facing infertility problems at the age of 28-29 due to many social and mental reasons. . … Read more