The risk of ‘cervical cancer’ is twice as high in women suffering from mental illness, claims the study

Cervical Cancer: A study has claimed that mental illness, neuropsychiatric disability and substance abuse double the risk of cervical cancer in women. This is because most women do not go ahead to get the smear test done. Very few women are aware of their health and get smear test done. Researchers at Sweden’s Karolinska Institute … Read more

‘Cervical cancer’ is caused by ‘human papillomavirus’, know 10 important facts related to HPV

Human Papillomavirus Infection: Cervical cancer is the second most dangerous cancer affecting women in India. There are maximum patients of this cancer in the country. Every year around 1.25 lakh women are treated for cervical cancer. Not only this, more than 75 thousand people die in India due to this terrible disease. A large part … Read more

Increased risk of ‘cervical cancer’ in women, 57 lakh will die! Vaccination will start soon

Cervical Cancer Vaccine: Cancer is becoming a rapidly spreading dangerous disease at the present time. People walking around are becoming its victims and they are not even aware of it. In women too, after breast cancer and ovary cancer, another cancer is emerging rapidly, which is very dangerous. The cancer that we are talking about … Read more