How is dementia treated and how many stages are there?

How is dementia treated and how many stages are there?

Let us tell you that this is a disease related to our brain. Often there is an imbalance and disharmony between your state of mind and your external state. Because of which you feel stressed. Due to stress, many mental disorders occur in a person. When this happens, he always remains agitated and unstable. Stress … Read more

Adopt These Special Exercises to Improve Brain Health

Adopt These Special Exercises to Improve Brain Health

Dementia: Adopt this special exercise to improve brain health, the risk of dementia will decrease. Source link

Dementia has a direct connection with eating sweets, definitely notice these things

Dementia has a direct connection with eating sweets, definitely notice these things

Dementia Treatment: Dementia affects your memory, thinking and daily activities. Sometimes the situation becomes very serious. It becomes difficult for the patient to live. Doctors say that one of the most common types of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease. Initially, this disease can be associated with a condition like memory loss. There may be other signs … Read more

More than 1 crore people in India have dementia. revealed in the study

More than 1 crore people in India have dementia.  revealed in the study

Dementia Disease: In India, more than 10 million people aged 60 or above may have dementia. We are not saying this, rather this claim has been made in a study. A new study published in the Journal of Neuroepidemiology has found that more than one crore population of India is suffering from dementia disease. This … Read more

Adopt these habits in life, there will be no risk of dementia in old age

Adopt these habits in life, there will be no risk of dementia in old age

What Is Dementia: Dementia is the name of such a disease of forgetfulness, to cure which even today’s science cannot do much. After a limit, the patient suffering from this disease finds it difficult to remember things. He may even forget his own identity (Forgetfullness). In whichever family there is a patient suffering from dementia, … Read more

Mental Disease: Alzheimer’s and Dementia are forgetful diseases, know what is the difference between the two

Mental Disease: Alzheimer’s and Dementia are forgetful diseases, know what is the difference between the two

Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Dementia is a very common mental illness. According to statistics, 1 out of every 5 people may have dementia at some point in their lifetime. In the whole world, about 50 million people i.e. counting them in lakhs, 500 lakh people are suffering from dementia. Of those who have dementia, 70 percent … Read more