What is Gestational Diabetes, TV Actress Dipik Kakar is Diagnosed With? All You Need to Know

What is Gestational Diabetes, TV Actress Dipik Kakar is Diagnosed With? All You Need to Know

Home Health What is gestational diabetes, is TV actress Dipik Kakar diagnosed? All you need to know Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that can develop during pregnancy in women who do not already have diabetes. What is gestational diabetes, is TV actress Dipik Kakar diagnosed? Everything you need to know (Freepik) Living with … Read more

Pregnancy: The light of the room should be reduced while sleeping, distance should be made from phone-laptop! but why

Pregnancy: The light of the room should be reduced while sleeping, distance should be made from phone-laptop!  but why

Some people like to sleep with lights on, while some people like to sleep in the dark. However, health experts say that a pregnant woman should dim the lights before sleeping, that is, reduce the light of the room. This is because it reduces the risk of gestational diabetes to a great extent. Gestational diabetes … Read more